Some of the Most Important Decisions
Fifty percent of the entire human population of planet earth consists of persons with
below average IQ. At least half of all the decisions which pertain to the most basically
significant matters are made by persons of below average IQ. Although it may be a
matter of concern that fifty percent of the most important decisions humanity makes
are made by persons of below average IQ, it is a reality that we have to navigate
through. As individuals that is possible. As groups it is prone to failure. This is one
reason societies and cultures come and go. It's partly because individuals are capable
of achieving an acceptable degree of mastery only over their own lives and are not
potentially competent to master the fundamentals of human existence in terms of
larger numbers of people. There is a difference between mastery and control. Control
is power. Mastery is effectiveness. In most cases, persons who attain positions of power
are masters only of the means by which they got there. No human of any degree of
intelligence is capable of solving or even addressing or identifying all of the significant
problems which any group of individuals must face and satisfactorily resolve as individuals.
This is also true of groups.
by Robert Hampton Burt